
Deliverance & Healing
Back Pain from injury – S.M.
Young man from the Vineyard who was suffering from back injury related to lifting heavy objects at work. We did the leg and arm thing and then had him touch his toes. He reported with delight that the pain was completely gone and that he couldn?t touch his toes when he first came in.
Pancreatic Cancer – B.A.
B.A. came in for prayer just before her surgery. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The doctors discovered that the tumors were not cancerous. She has made a complete and rapid recovery and to everyone?s amazement she does not need to take insulin as her sugar levels are normal. B.A. is extremely thankful for the non-cancerous discovery.
Tumor Gone – R.M.
R.M. came in with a very large tumor in her breast. The Lord moved upon her heavily with the assurance of healing. Several weeks later after chemo the tumor was totally gone. R.M. believes that it was the intervention through the prayer of faith that dissolved the tumor and without the prayer she would not of lived.
Problems at school – C.C.
C.C. joyfully returned the following week reporting that his teachers had given him all good notes to take home and he was understanding and doing much better in school.
Reconsecrated her life to the Lord and was water baptized the following Sunday. – D.L.
Reconsecrated her life to the Lord and was water baptized the following Sunday.
Psoriasis – G.S.
G.S. came in for prayer as he had psoriasis over 80% of his body. He now gives glory to God for healing this life long affliction. He is reporting all but 20% of the skin condition is gone and believes that it will all go very shortly.
Scoliosis – P.C.
P.C. had difficulty rising even out of chair due to her illness and was in continual pain. After prayer, she felt a great measure of relief in the pain and had us measure her height. The following week she came in for more prayer and reported that the pain and discomfort was gone and she was able to dance and work because she no longer had the pain nor was she lacking energy. God is good! We measured her height again and she had a gained three quarters of an inch in height.
Pain in shoulders and arms – J.H.
J.H. came in with a great deal of stiffness and pain in his shoulders and arms. After prayer, J.H. reported the pain to be totally gone and he had complete range of movement in his arms.
Digestive Tract disorder – E.E.
I came in with continual stomach and digestion problems. Since having prayer at the Clearwater Healing House I have not been bothered again by this disorder.
Kidney was hurting – I.W.
I came to the Clearwater Healing House with a bad headache and I came with pain in my side. My kidney was hurting me. I was prayed for and all that pain went away completely. I feel so much better and relaxed with the Holy Spirit,. Thank you, Jesus!
Baptized in the Holy Spirit – E.B.
He felt the strong Presence of the Lord, spoke in tongues and felt the manifestation of tingling in his hands and arms.
Depression – D.P.
God is healing me of my depression and my weight loss! Since coming to the Healing House for prayer and guidance my life has improved greatly! I will keep coming back for more miracles.
Salvation and Baptized in the Holy Spirit; brain tumor – A.S.
Excellent report?99% of the tumor removed after prayer–removed all cancer except maybe 1%. A.S. is so positive about his healing and is reading the Bible saying the scriptures and is so pleased with results and visit here at the Clearwater Healing House.
Myotonic Dystrophy – E.C.
I was diagnosed with myotonic dystrophy over 10 years ago. I took no proactive action in dealing with this disease because I was told by doctors that there was no treatment. At the time I was not saved and I didn?t talk to the Lord. In January of 2006 I rededicated my life to Christ and was Baptized. I grew in my relationship with Christ and in June of 2007 and July of 2007 I visited the Clearwater Healing House to pray about this medical situation. On July 28th, while praying the weak grip and locking up of my hands was healed immediately. The Father heard our prayers and healed me. Praise God!
Baptized in the Holy Spirit – B.B.
Filled with the fire of God and speaking in tongues for the first time.
Back pain, feared colon cancer – L.T.
It was discovered that L.T. did not have colon cancer but only a small polyp. She also reported her back, which had previously been fractured, no longer had pain. L.T. says, “I am doing great! Thank you!”
Glaucoma – C. P.
After we prayed for C. P. we prayed for his friend. He said, “I am already feeling better in my whole body?I?m serious! I don?t have any film over my eyes anymore?no more pressure in my eyes.
No longer infertile – S. N.
On May 1st, 2007, I was diagnosed as ?infertile? by my OB doctor because I have not ovulated the last 3 cycles. I am turning 40 in June, 2007 and hope to have another child. I came to the Clearwater Healing House for prayer on May 5yh, 2007 and on Tuesday, May 8th, 2007 was pleasantly surprised to see my ?clear blue fertility monitor? shows pink fertility (ovulation) on May 8th and May 9th for the first time after 3 consecutive cycles of low fertility. Praise the Lord! Jesus heals! On May 1st, 2007 after I had been prayed for, when we were still sharing, I suddenly felt a warmth on my left ovary, like oil poured over my left ovary. I believe God was healing me then. Praise be to the Lord God Almighty!
Shoulder healed – F.R.
I came to the healing house for prayer for my right shoulder which was in massive pain for 2 months. I have had difficulties with pain in my neck, face, shoulders and arm. After prayer, the massive pain went.
Breast cancer-now perfect health! – Mary Ann
Mary Ann was suffering with breast cancer, gone through radiation and chemo, arm has been swollen from breast surgery. During prayer she had a vision of Jesus and wrote this testimony: “I saw Jesus touching my shoulders, dressed in a long white robe. He answered my prayer. I asked Him to come to me and heal my body.” 7-25-09 Mary Ann called and said her Pet Scan was perfect health!
Sciatica healed – L.R.
L.R. called the next day and reported that was able to take his 3 mile walk and doesn?t have any pain
Arthritis relieved – E.L.
E.L. had stiffness and arthritic pain in her shoulder. After prayer, there was no longer any pain!
Knee injury healed; Baptized in the Holy Spirit – C.P.
C.P. writes: God Almighty Jesus, you are so good to me, you healed my arm and now my knee, and filled med with your Holy Spirit. You healed me instantly! Casting all demons out. Thank you Jesus.
Pain in neck shoulders gone – N. B.
During prayer D.B. felt a heat sensation through her neck and shoulders. After prayer, she was able to move her neck and shoulders without pain. D.B. continues to be healed after almost a year.
Healing is for you!
The Clearwater Healing House is a Jesus Christ centered healing rooms ministry staffed with trained ministry teams.
Hours of operation:
Thursdays 11am - 6pm